Our scripture for the weekend was Ephesians 6:10-18. The "armor of God" message was very clear, and I am proud of our Chaplain Aides for producing Sunday morning's chapel service with 50 scouts and 15 parents in attendance.
Quinn's illustration was very real. In one corner of the armory, there was a fully armored Humvee. The bulletproof glass must have been over 2-inches thick. It was armored throughout to withstand an attack. In the exact opposite corner, we see Mr. Foster's minivan. Not much armor on that family truckster!
Which would you like to take into battle? Silly question, right? You need the full armor of the Humvee to survive out there. The Apostle Paul's God-breathed letter to the Ephesians says it clearly: If we want to survive out there in our real world, we need to put on the "full armor of God." Quinn encouraged us to be in the spirit, get to know our God, pray frequently, and read his Word.
What are your battles that you're facing each day? What are you doing in your own life to put on the full armor of God?