Fireside Chat: The Easter Story

One week before Easter, the Chaplain Aides gathered around the campfire to tell the story of Christ's last supper, arrest, crucifixion and resurrection.  Here are their talking points:

  • Judas agrees to betray Jesus...for coins
  • ...the Last Supper...12 apostles.
  • Cup...this is my blood.  Took bread...this is my body...broken.
  • He tells Peter he will deny Him 3 times.
  • Jesus went to Mount Olive.
  • Rose from prayer...his disciples were sleeping...get up!
  • Crowd arrived to arrest him...Judas moved to kiss Jesus to tip them.
  • One apostle struck a servant...cutting his ear.
  • Peter was one of the apostles...he swore he didn't know him 3 times.
  • Blindfolded him...hit him.  Be a prophet...who hit you?
  • Pilate said he is innocent, but the crowd demanded they crucify him.
  • Jesus says "forgive them...they do not know what they do"
  • Jesus was mounted on a cross with 2 criminals.
  • One mocks yourself.
  • The other: Jesus has done nothing wrong.  "remember me"
  • Jesus says "today you will be in paradise."
  • Jesus died, and said "father in your hands I commit my spirit."
  • Laid in a tomb.
  • Sunday morning...Easter...they went to tomb, and the stone was away
  • Jesus body was gone.
  • Then, he appeared to his friends and apostles.
  • "why do you look for the living among the dead...he is not here...he is risen!"

Where Are You Storing Your Treasures?

We visited Ha Ha Tonka located in the Ozarks of Missouri. 

Robert Snyder designed a private retreat, and construction began in 1905. Snyder died in a car accident in 1906. The building experienced financial & legal difficulties, and later burned in 1942.

Our feature Bible verses included Mathew 6:19:  “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.”  

What are we storing up on earth?  What do we value? Perhaps game stations, iPods, cars, money.  

But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.”

What can we be storing in heaven Your relationship with God? Kindness to others? Are you ready to be held accountable for your time here on earth?
Shall we get rid of all of our possessions?  (No.  But…)
How can we change our perspective---what’s really important?
What are treasures are you storing?  Where are you storing your treasures?

Full Armor of God

We camped this weekend (January 14-16, 2011) at an Armory and had the opportunity to spend Saturday on an army base utilizing their M16 simulator.  Besides trying to "qualify" with our shooting skills, the exercise included a series of "shoot / no shoot" scenarios.  We had to make split decisions based on the rules of engagement.  Are you making great decisions on a moment's notice?  What are your rules of engagement?  

Our scripture for the weekend was Ephesians 6:10-18.  The "armor of God" message was very clear, and I am proud of our Chaplain Aides for producing Sunday morning's chapel service with 50 scouts and 15 parents in attendance.   

Quinn's illustration was very real.  In one corner of the armory, there was a fully armored Humvee.  The bulletproof glass must have been over 2-inches thick.  It was armored throughout to withstand an attack.  In the exact opposite corner, we see Mr. Foster's minivan.  Not much armor on that family truckster!  

Which would you like to take into battle?  Silly question, right?  You need the full armor of the Humvee to survive out there.  The Apostle Paul's God-breathed letter to the Ephesians says it clearly:  If we want to survive out there in our real world, we need to put on the "full armor of God."  Quinn encouraged us to be in the spirit, get to know our God, pray frequently, and read his Word.  

What are your battles that you're facing each day?  What are you doing in your own life to put on the full armor of God?