One week before Easter, the Chaplain Aides gathered around the campfire to tell the story of Christ's last supper, arrest, crucifixion and resurrection. Here are their talking points:
- Judas agrees to betray Jesus...for coins
- ...the Last Supper...12 apostles.
- Cup...this is my blood. Took bread...this is my body...broken.
- He tells Peter he will deny Him 3 times.
- Jesus went to Mount Olive.
- Rose from prayer...his disciples were sleeping...get up!
- Crowd arrived to arrest him...Judas moved to kiss Jesus to tip them.
- One apostle struck a servant...cutting his ear.
- Peter was one of the apostles...he swore he didn't know him 3 times.
- Blindfolded him...hit him. Be a prophet...who hit you?
- Pilate said he is innocent, but the crowd demanded they crucify him.
- Jesus says "forgive them...they do not know what they do"
- Jesus was mounted on a cross with 2 criminals.
- One mocks yourself.
- The other: Jesus has done nothing wrong. "remember me"
- Jesus says "today you will be in paradise."
- Jesus died, and said "father in your hands I commit my spirit."
- Laid in a tomb.
- Sunday morning...Easter...they went to tomb, and the stone was away
- Jesus body was gone.
- Then, he appeared to his friends and apostles.
- "why do you look for the living among the dead...he is not here...he is risen!"